LvB Thilo PP*
DEU 000363840006
German Reg. No. 10.204931
born: 09/17/2022
Breeder: Dennis Smukal, Bühren, Germany
Thiago PP
DE 03 613 81019
Orchidee P vom Hüttenberger Land
DE 06 654 47794
Thibaud PP
DE 03 573 54912
Rebeca P
DE 03 558 81151
Noah PP
DE 06 654 23220
Odessa PP vom Weidenbusch
DE 12 693 83552

Type / Conformation / Skeleton
(200 days / 365 days)
Rel. 69%
(365 days)
(365 days)
(% of unassisted births / no. of offspring)