Breeding Goal
– high production, health and longevity –
- Profitable and productive dairy-type cows
- High milk production and good growth rates
- High feed intake capacity, solid health, and good fertility
- Genetic production potential: 10,000kg milk at 4.0% fat and 3.5% protein
- Lifetime production of more than 40,000kg milk
- Stature: 145–156cm
- Body weight: 650–750kg
- Sound and sturdy feet & legs
- Healthy and easy-to-milk udders that, regarding quality and functionality, enable high daily production over many lactations and meet the demands of modern milking systems
Per annum, German Holstein cows produce in average nearly 10,000kg of milk with high components. The long-lasting Holstein cow is provided with a functional body, sound feet & legs, and a high feed intake capacity. Long-term firmly attached udders with good milkability are prerequisite for high production over many lactations.
In addition to high production, profitable Holstein cows offer good fertility, and this is reflected by high conception rates and calving ease.
Within the scope of a healthy rearing period, maiden heifers achieve average daily gains with a high share of forage and pasture grazing respectively. First breeding of the maiden heifers takes place according to development rather than age. An age at 1st calving of 25–28 months proved to be very positive for the future development of the cow as well as for its future production ability.
From father’s side, the Total Merit Index RZG guarantees a balanced breeding considering milk production, functional herd life, conformation, reproduction, udder health and calving traits cording to their economic importance. The Total Merit Index combines a number of single information and makes it easy for the breeders to choose a bull according to all relevant traits.
(Source: Deutscher Holstein Verband e.V.)