


The potential for profitable milk production

Black&White and Red&White Holsteins originate from the Northern German coastal areas of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The genealogical table of both colour lines goes back to the nineteenth century. German Holsteins have developed into the most significant German dairy breed. There are approximately 17,700 herds with over 1.8 million pedigree cows that excel in high production potential.


Very high density of milk recording
More than two million Holstein and 240,000 Red Holstein cows are recorded by independent milk recording organizations. With almost 85% the density of milk recording, a very important condition for successful breeding programs, is higher than in any other country of the world.


Different environmental conditions
Herd size, herd management and environmental conditions differ in all regions of Germany. There are small and average sized family farms as well as large production farms with some thousand heads of cattle. For decades, German breeding programs have been carried out according to the latest findings in quantitative genetics and biotechnology. These programs form the cornerstone for the high production potential and the functional conformation of the German Holstein cow. German dairy farms involved in breeding activities and, in particular, AI and ET units are kept under periodical surveillance of the official veterinary administration. Therefore, the German cattle population is provided with an outstanding health status documented by reliable certificates. In many countries, breeders depending on efficient milk production take advantage of the German lead. Every year, 50 to 70,000 heads of Holstein pedigree cattle provided with pedigree and production certificates are exported to over 40 countries. Semen of German top sires as well as embryos out of proven German cow families are in high demand all over the world.

(Source: Deutscher Holstein Verband e.V.)
